What Interests Us

We've helped more founders build startups at the earliest possible stage than most anyone you'll meet, and that means we can help startups avoid the 1,000 landmines that can cause certain failure.

We focus on investing in high-potential software startups at seed stage and earlier, with small teams that include great engineers, designers and product founders. Many companies come to us when they are just two or four people, and we help them get from there to their Series A or B rounds and beyond.

If you have an idea that is not reflected in our current portfolio, don’t be dissuaded from pitching us. We’re a firm that has often discovered the next technology wave through the talent in our network. For example, we knew Brian Armstrong through his work on risk management and fraud detection at Airbnb. But his next company had nothing to do with travel or hospitality — it was Coinbase, which has become one of the pre-eminent ways to hold, invest and trade Bitcoin and Ethereum in the world.